Bra​​​​​​​in Science for Coaching and Therapy

What are we going to cover?
- Why our brain is not our friend 
- The most important brain structures that drive behaviour
- Our Operational Systems
- Neuroplasticity and Neurogenesis
- The most important Neurochemicals
and much more such as: the Amygdala Hijack, the Law of Attraction, talk therapy, couples therapy, fake memories, non-conscious behaviour, ...

Some of the feedback from participants?
- "I think it is one of the best webinars I have ever been to. In my whole professional life I have never heard someone explain brain anatomy, physiology and function so easy to understand. I really enjoyed this webinar. Thank you."
- "It was an
amazing webinar, full of new information that I will use. Thank you so much​​​​​​"​
- "It was really super nice and
very impressive, thank you again"
- "Satisfied, honest, knowledgeable!
Excellent job without "hidden aces"!"
- "
Absolutely enlightening. Thank you"

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Brain Science for Coaching and Therapy

You can view this webinar from your computer, tablet or mobile phone.
Presentation by
Gregory Caremans
Founder of Brain Academy

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